Sang Won Lee

echolab director
Computer Science
Virginia Tech
Sang Won Lee is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech. His research aims to create interactive systems that facilitate empathy among users. His research vision of computer-mediated empathy comes from his background in computer music, thriving to bring the expressive, collaborative, and empathic nature of music to computational systems. On one end, he creates interactive systems that can facilitate understanding by providing ways in computer-mediated communication to share perspectives and transfer context. On the other end, he uses technologies for users to better express their intention and emotion and to ground communication. He has applied these approaches to various applications in creative domains, including music-making, design, writing, and programming. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Michigan. He holds a diploma in Industrial Engineering from Seoul National University and an M.S. in Music Technology from Georgia Tech. He has been an active author in top-tier human-computer interaction venues, like CHI, UIST, CSCW, NIME, and C&C. In addition to academic research publications, he has presented his research in the form of musical performances at peer-reviewed venues, including NIME, Art-CHI, and ICMC. He is a winner of the International Computer Music Association–Music Award 2016 for his composition Live Writing: Gloomy Streets.
- Creative Computing Studio (Fall 2020, Fall 2018, Spring 2022)
- Computer-supported Cooperative Work (Fall 2019, Fall 2021)
- Creativity, Collaboration, and Computing (Spring 2019, Spring 2021)
- Introduction to GUI programming and graphics (Fall 2019)
- User Interface Software and Technology (Fall 2022)