MineSafe: Understanding needs for socio-technical interventions in rural areas of the world affected by Landmines

MineSafe: Understanding needs for socio-technical interventions in rural areas of the world affected by Landmines
Inhabitants of rural areas in Colombia

This project aims to understand the state of the art of the current technologies for humanitarian demining in Colombia as a medium to generate relevant technological applications to contribute to the humanitarian demining process for both civilian and military population. How can the ability to divert/avoid land mines become more accessible to the public in rural areas of the world? Is the question that better defines the whole research purpose. Through a set of interviews with different stakeholders involved with humanitarian demining we aim to understand four key aspects of the process:

  1. Current Practice (Positionality of stakeholders)
  2. Information Flows / Data Privacy
  3. Trust Building Processes
  4. Risk and vulnerability
    1. Technological Barriers / Tech savviness
    2. Environmental conditions

Our stakeholders are Demining Organizations, Government Officers, Inhabitants of a dangerous zones, and Ex-guerilla. This heterogeneous group of participants will be analyzed using grounded theory and thematic analysis as well as sensitizing concepts that will allow us to develop an holistic understanding of the issues and how this actors interact to each other. Based on that analysis we plan to develop technical interventions that will contribute to improve the vulnerability of civilian inhabitants of rural areas towards landmines.

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